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How Your Lifestyle Affects Your Vision: Tips To Protect Your Eyes

People nowadays are becoming health conscious and making efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle. Whether it is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet or doing exercises to maintain a healthy body everyone is trying different ways to have a healthy life. When it comes to taking care of our body or mind, we take different steps to avoid stress or anxiety. 

But have you ever given much thought to your eye health? Eyes, the only medium to see the beauty of the world, are often overlooked. Our modern lifestyle is putting a lot of strain on our eyes which is not going to lead us towards a healthier life. 

Today we are going to talk about the various ways that you can follow to protect your eyes and to have a strong vision in every stage of your life. 

How A Healthy Lifestyle Can Safeguard Your Eye Health? 

Longer screen time and poor nutrition are some of the common reasons that are affecting our eye health. It is time to fix these problems and have healthy eyes. Follow the mentioned easy tips to not only protect your eyes but also increase the  quality of your vision – 

1. Take A Vision Friendly Diet 

You may not know this but there are a lot of foods that help in increasing your vision. Leafy vegetables have proven to be the best foods for your eyes. These foods have the nutrients that protect your eyes from damage. Nuts and seeds also help in avoiding eye issues. Having food that has vitamin C and vitamin A also helps in avoiding age-related eye problems such as cataracts. 

2. Have Enough Sleep 

 Having enough sleep is necessary to have healthy eyes. The lifestyle that we are leading today does not allow us to have enough sleep. Whether it is a work commitment that is keeping us awake or an entertaining series which is not allowing our eyes to shut, all of this screen time is putting a lot of strain on our eyes, which we may not realise but could lead to many critical issues in future. So make sure you are sleeping for 7 to 8 hours in a day. 

3. Drink Plenty Of Water 

We are so busy nowadays that we often forget to drink water. Be it youngsters or adults, drinking water is mostly overlooked. Drinking water is important not only have good eye health but also for overall wellness. When we are well-hydrated it helps in avoiding dryness and redness of eyes. If you think you mostly forget to drink water, keep a handy water bottle with you all the time. 

4. Limited Screen Time 

Screen time is one of the major causes of numerous eye issues. Be it kids, youngsters or adults, everyone is hooked in front of the screen. It is important to set boundaries when you are using your device. Set a timer when using your mobile phone. If you have to use your device for longer hours, make sure to adjust the brightness and position it in a way that does not put strain on your eyes. Ensure that you are not using your device just before going to bed. Avoid using your mobile phone one hour before you sleep. 

5. Regular Eye Check-Ups 

Always have eye check-ups once or twice a year. Doing so will help an eye specialist assess any issues that may occur in the future. We often do health checkups but do not care much about eyes, which leads to eye issues later in life. So make sure to visit an eye specialist even if you have great vision. 

6. Eye Protection Is Important 

When stepping out always keep accessories with yourself, sunglasses. We often apply sunscreen when stepping out but do not protect our eyes from the harmful UV rays that can have a damaging effect on our eyes. Always wear sunglasses during the day when the sun’s rays are hitting directly at your face. Invest in high-quality sunglasses that can keep your eyes safe.  You can also wear hats which protect your eyes from the sun. 

Robin Hall Opticians Creating A Healthy Vision 

If you want trained professionals to treat your eyes, you can trust Robin Hall Opticians. We do an extensive eye test that will help you identify the issues that are causing discomfort to your eyes. 

By using advanced technology, we also offer contact lenses that are uniquely made for your eyes. To get in touch with our experts, fill out an easy form, and we will send you a confirmation through email. 


Follow the above-mentioned steps and transform your eye health. These simple yet effective tips will help you in providing you with a better vision. You can also contact Robin Hall Opticians to have an eye test or to get high-quality contact lenses. 

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